No matter where you are in life, find a plan that meets your needs.
- We offer fast and easy access to purchase health insurance.
- Explore plan options and get comparisons of plans and rates.
- Select the coverage and premium amounts that fit your needs. No insurance agents will call!
Affordable Coverage That Meets Your Needs
Choose the combination of primary and secondary product offerings for your unique situation.
Product Offerings
Product Offerings
Primary Product Offerings
Basic Health – $
The ICBA’s most popular health plans! These low-cost basic health plans cover common medical expenses such as doctor visits, hospital stays, lab tests, and prescriptions.
Short–Term – $$
Short-term plans are designed to provide health coverage and offset medical costs for a defined time period. Unlike major medical coverage, enrollment is available year-round.
Major Medical – $$$
Major Medical Plans are traditional robust medical plans designed to cover healthcare costs ranging from routine doctor visits to treatments for serious illness.
+ Add with Any Plan
Supplemental Product Offerings
Provided by

Dental +
Vision & HearingGet coverage for preventative, basic, and major oral care with these popular dental plans from Aflac. Plans include an option to add-on Vision & Hearing coverage including annual exams and material allowance.
Unexpected accidents are the reason most ICBA members have insurance claims. Get protection for injury from sports and recreational activities, automobile accidents, and slips and falls with accident coverage.
Cancer coverage helps pay for expenses associated with screening, treatment, and recovery from a cancer diagnosis, including — annual cancer check, initial cancer diagnosis, & chemotherapy.
Critical Illness
Critical illness coverage helps cover diagnosis and treatment costs associated with illnesses such as heart attack, stroke, & more.
Need help understanding your options?
Click below to see our Health Insurance 101 guide for a basic overview of our offerings.
Wellcard Savings Health Discount Program
The Wellcard is a free program to lower the cost of your healthcare. It provides health care discounts on a wide range of health services including:
- Doctor Visits – Nationwide Coverage with up to 20% savings
- Prescription Drugs – Save up to 50%
- Dental – Nationwide coverage with up to 50% savings
- X-Ray, MRI, and Imaging – Save up to 75% on MRI, P.E.T., and CT Scans
- Telemedicine – 24/7, 365 access to physicians by phone or email
- Medical Network Lab Savings – and much, much more!